Redefining our relationship with healthcare
Eigen aims to change the way we think and interact with our healthcare, from arranging consultations for diagnosis, to managing your medication and appointments. The service design project was shortlisted for a 2016 RSA Design Award.
Client: Personal
Role: UX + UI + Digital Experience + Animation + Print + Packaging + Creative Direction

Eigen is a digital platform that works alongside the NHS, building the bridge between patients and doctors, in order to create an easier to use more beneficial healthcare service.
The digital platform allows for users to easily arrange and keep track of their appointment schedules, whilst being able to receive medical assistance even when their GP is ‘out of hours’ or unavailable. Remembering to renew and collect prescriptions or simply purchasing medication when you are ill, immobile or have a busy work schedule can often become difficult. Eigen allows you to gather all your medication in one convenient box, delivered right to your doorstep.
Medication provided by Eigen has also been completed redesigned to allow for clearer communication and ease of use. Patients can also personalise elements of the design depending on their needs - larger text, braille assistance and even colour coded boxes (yellow for prescriptions, blue for test kits and green for additional content). This personalised language is also transferrable and adapted to the digital service used by patients and doctors.

Currently there is no way for patients to openly refer back to their medical history, future appointments, procedures, as well as prescription renewal dates.
Eigen provides a platform to manage your prescriptions and personal information as well as keep track of your medical lifestyle. The NHS lose millions of pounds a year due to patient ‘no shows’ and an inefficient appointment process. Being able to quickly and easily plan and respond to your appointments, manage prescriptions as well as being clear of what medication you are taking is a primary role of the digital service.